Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Backwards Day

Normally I blog in the morning during the world news and then get ready to go work or run errands for the day. Today was different.  I did my work at the little house first thing this morning so I could come home and rake (corral) leaves all afternoon. 

I got one coat of paint on the kitchen walls and sanded the new drywall and painted the doors.

The mud wasn't completely dry so I couldn't paint this wall yet. 

This is a wonderful blurry before photo (gosh!).

After looks just as bad. 

Question: Why are you painting the walls if you are just putting cabinets back up?
Answer: Just in case the cabinets don't cover completely and to "clean it up."

The walls were dirty.  The second coat will really make it shine.

Now out to corral. 

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