Monday, April 7, 2014

High Strength

High Strength has such a double meaning when it comes to drywall.  High strength for lasting walls.  High strength for the installer.  My right bicep, my drill arm, is going to be extra strong.

Walt Kowalski and I divided and conquered on Saturday.  He worked on installing insulation in the ceilings.
(This makes my face itchy just looking at the photos.)
I worked on mudding the seams and corners.
I think the corner seam tape looks like white chocolate shavings. 

I compare putting the spackling on the walls and seams to icing a cake.  You've got to fill in all the little gaps, then get it as smooth as possible.  Thin multiple layers is the best method.

It's coming along.  Walt Kowalski used the purple board above the doors is for no particular reason other than using up scraps. 

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