Wednesday, December 11, 2013


I'm still pulling nails.  Just when I think I've finished, I find more!  In the ceiling.  In the wall studs.  In the floor.  I starting to think that someone is sneaking in at night and putting them all back in.
The shop vac will suck them up, but it won't suck them into the bag in the canister.  They just get stuck in the hose.  Once you turn off the sweeper, they sprinkle out.  If I'm prepared, I can maneuver the end of the hose to the garbage can and let them fall out.  
I'm never that prepared and they always end up all over the floor again.
The broom and a dustpan works, but the nails get stuck between the cracks in the floor boards.  I remember a golf club like device that was magnetic to pick up screws in the garage, but darn it if we can find it. 
That's ok.  I will make do.
Golf Club + magnet = device to pick up nails.
Yes, that is chipper club.  No, it's not Walt Kowalski's.  Yes, that is a big magnet magnetized to it.


It works.  Silly, but it works.  I still have a lot of nails left. 

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