Thursday, September 26, 2013

Sick Day

Walt Kowalski and I are healthy individuals.  (Knock on wood.)  We eat well.  Take our vitamins.  Wash our hands.  Exercise.  Wash our hands. 
The students are always sick.  (Just one reason I'm always washing my hands.)  Several of my co-workers are regularly sick.  Some are "sick" on a regular basis, too.  Don't get me wrong, I do not wish sickness upon anybody.  But as a healthy individual, sometimes I feel short-changed and over-worked. 
I know that sick days aren't just for being ill.  Doctor appointments, family doctor appointments, sick children, snow delays, school events.  I am not a sick day abuser.  The *official* use in our employee handbook says 'health reasons, family care obligations, and other conditions that have a bearing on physical and mental welfare.'

Other conditions that have a bearing on physical and mental welfare.  Hmmmm

Have I used a sick day when I wasn't sick? Yes.  
Have I come to work when I should have taken a sick day?  Yes.  

I have been nursing a sore heel for the last few weeks.  Heck, last week when I cut my finger I could have very easily taken a sick day.  Typing was not easy.  I bandaged it so I could type.  I could have bandaged it so I couldn't type and the injury could have prevented me from doing my job.  

I also know I have personal days and vacation days.  So do my co-workers.   

Is there an allowance for taking a sick day when your co-workers come to work when they are sick? 

Dear co-worker, You are sick, but you are at work.  Therefore, I am taking a sick day so I don't get your cold.  I'm taking a sick day because you should have taken one.  You are infecting the entire office.  Thank you.

Walt Kowalski said if he counted he'd probably see that he has co-workers that have used more days off than days worked. 

Physical and mental welfare. 

Either way, sounds like tomorrow might be a personal mental health day. 
No fake coughs needed.

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