I was running errands yesterday. I have become the queen of errands. Today is more errands and some work.
On my daily route, there is a four-way intersection that's a three-way stop. The hilliest part of the intersection doesn't have the stop sign, but the other side is just as hilly WITH a stop sign. I was on the hill with a stop sign part. I'm driving Big Red.
Short lady, driving a big truck.
I stopped at the intersection. Looked all ways and started to proceed through the intersection. With a big truck, pointed up hill, I have to look twice because the front of the truck can be difficult to see over.
That's what happened. Just as I started into the intersection, a small black car came zooming up the hill with no stop sign. I braked and was not even close to hitting her and her car. That's the look twice part.
It was a beautiful day yesterday, so I had the window in the truck down. This open window allowed me to hear the beautiful string of obscenities she yelled at me.
I didn't know you could use one word in so many different ways and all in one sentence.
For a second, I was tempted to yell back all the nasty things she said to me, but I didn't. Anger at anger is no resolution. I yelled back, through my open window, "I'm sorry!"
She waved to me with one finger and drove off in anger. I was going the same direction to play the lottery (no winners today). She must have thought I was following her to yell some more, because when she got to the red light before me, she waved at me some more with that one finger.
Wow. I was rattled, but I felt bad for her that she was that upset over one small non-accident. I feel bad for the next person she encounters with her perfect driving skills.
I think of all of the bad drivers and driving mistakes I see everyday. If I spent everyday yelling like she did I would do nothing more than yell. What for? Will it fix the situation? No.
Walt Kowalski said "She was probably late to meet her drug dealer." Well, that makes sense.
Let's hope for no driving frustrations today.
Today is dumpster day. I'm headed to get a dumpster to clean up around House #1 and start on the small house in the back. We piled up all of the windows from House #1 behind House #1. I tried to find some place to recycle them, but had no luck. Several places would take them if they could resell them, but they were in no condition for resale, so nobody wanted them. Boooo.
Window glass can't be recycled like bottles and jars in the kitchen, because of the high temperature used to create the glass. Double Boooooooooo.
I will take pleasure putting them in the dumpster with a flourish.
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