Thursday, July 17, 2014

Odds and Ends

Walt Kowalski was working in the laundry the other day.  He grabbed a handful of drywall screws and the drill to install the box for the washer supply.

Drill drill drill.  Nothing.  Drill drill drill. Nothing.  Why won't this screw work?!?!
Ahhhhh, that's why.  No matter what size box of screws we buy, there is always a surprise inside.  Either a different screw size, different screw type or in this case a one that was ready yet. 
Last week, one morning Walt Kowalski walked out on the patio to look around.  Just to look.  To look at the lush of all the leaves, the growth of the new plants, and the trees that need to be trimmed. 
In just the right light, there was a beautiful spider web between the trees.

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