Tuesday, March 3, 2015


I pass this building every time I go into town.
There is something about this building that is intriguing to me.  Maybe it's the curve of the building.  Maybe it's because it's not curved in the center.  Maybe because it's old.  (Heck, I don't know if it's old or just looks old!)

There are so many buildings, signs, houses, and things I see during my day that I want to take pictures of and share with you.  I need to take the time to bring my camera, pull over to the side of the road, and take some pictures.

Passerbyer: "Honey, look at that crazy lady who stopped her car along side of the road to take a picture of the street sign."

Yeah, that will be me.

Also, blah. 

It's blah.  I'm blah.  Everything feels blah right now.  I'm ready for spring. I'm certain everybody is.  I saw a post yesterday of a lady in her summer beach hat attempting to make spring come faster by working in her garden.  She was surrounded by a foot a snow. 

I know the feeling.  Everyday Walt Kowalski looks out the window.  He's making plans, too.  It's coming.  Just not fast enough to suit us.

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