Friday, January 2, 2015


New Year's Eve is a fooler. Television, radio, and social media do a great job of making you think that everybody is going out having a great time at a big party in fancy clothes with a band, decorations, drinks, and great food! Woo Hoo! Happy New Year!

In actuality, most people are at home.  Or at least most people I know.  We've done New Year's parties and dinners.  They were ok.  Walt Kowalski and I have started our own traditions. If we do go somewhere, we do it earlier, at 5pm dinner time instead of 11pm. 

We like to get all the errands and visit out of the way so we can get back to the Cat Ranch, make a big fire, put on our jammies, and have crab legs!

Yes, crab legs!

We have them only twice a year.  In the summertime, at the beach, and on New Year's Eve.  I watch the grocery ads and when they go on sale, I buy a package with a little extra grocery money and hide them in the freezer. In years past, we've had shrimp and crab legs.  This year, I got them on extra sale, so instead of the shrimp, we had an extra package of crab legs.  

I don't want the year to go too fast, but I can't wait to have them again.  Shorts at the beach or jammies on the couch. 

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