Monday, January 5, 2015


Go Paperless they say! Go Paperless!  Even paperless isn't so paperless. 

I need to go MORE paperless.  Which just means I'll have email and internet clutter instead.  This is mostly a pile of old bills.  Lots of envelopes. 

This is the time of year I *try* to clean out drawers and cupboards and closets.  (How do all of these crumbs get in the silverware drawer?!?!? Why do I have three bottles of soap with only a little left in the bottom? Why are there two open bags of sugar in the pantry? )

I know how it happens.  Company is coming and the soap pumper needs more soap.  But one bottle doesn't have enough to fill the pumper and I don't have time to drain all the soap from one container to the other. So I open a new container, jam the old one under the sink, and say "I'll drain it tomorrow."

The multiple sugars happen because I get Pantry Blindness. Fridge Blindness is just as bad.
You know this affliction. You're looking in the pantry (fridge) for something, sugar, flour, crackers, baking soda (cheese, butter, container of leftovers). You know it's in there, but it's hiding. Masquerading.  The more determined you are to find it,  the harder it becomes to find.  So instead of wasting more time continuing the search, you open a new one. The other one will turn up.

The next day, I open the pantry and right there it is.  Right in front of my nose. 


I try to return things to their proper spot the moment I'm finished using them, but get this...sometimes it just doesn't happen! I know, I know.  I'm terrible. 

I'm guilty of not putting everything back the moment I'm done using it.  Sometimes that's because it goes in the back of the pantry and I have to take everything off of the shelf to put it away properly and I'm going to use it again tomorrow.  Sometimes I'm just too tired.  Sometimes things don't have a "proper" place to live and just get shoved in the drawer because I can't stand it on the counter any more!!!!!! 

Isn't that what junk drawers are for? 

Yeah the junk drawer is on the list, too.

After cleaning out all the annoying papers, I get a good paper: the mammoth crossword puzzle. It was in the paper a few weeks ago.  It's huge! The center of a section, two full pages.  It's not a difficult puzzle to solve, just time consuming to find the correct spaces.  I also can't do it sitting on couch.  I have to have the entire kitchen table or in this case, most of the bar.

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