Tuesday, November 11, 2014


It is a puzzling time of the year.  The evenings get dark early.  Although, truthfully, I could work on a puzzle anytime of the year.  Crossword, jigsaw, Sudoku.
Jigsaw puzzles require more planning.  I have to have a plan where to lock the puzzle away so no cat teeth can taste the pieces.  No room, except for the garage, is truly cat free.  Pepper will walk on the puzzle board and sniff each piece until she finds the one that she likes best. Then she will carefully pick up a piece between her teeth, jump down off the board, and find a place to hid her piece. 
In the process of cleaning out storage, I found all of my jigsaw puzzles.  Boxes and boxes of puzzles.  One box contains 10 puzzles, individually wrapped, that I purchased years ago at a garage sale and never attempted.  Life just got busy and something else was funner.  Not that life's not busy now, but it's nice to have a hobby that is not connected to an electronic device.  And to have a hobby I can do sitting next to Walt Kowalski watching an electronic device.
I opened the box of 10 puzzles and just picked one.  Flowers.  Windows.  Lots of colors.  This one doesn't look too difficult. 
WRONG.  All those flowers look alike. The window parts were easy.  Walt Kowalski was sorting through the pieces as I was locking them together.

Then it got hard.  Flowers and flowers and flowers and flowers. I had more than enough done, you could see the picture.  No harm in quitting.  Nobody will ever know. 

I couldn't do it.  I came this far I was determined to finish and not throw it on the train tracks with a growing pile of other things. (Black iron that won't fit together properly, toilets that don't flush correctly, flashlights that blink off when you need them most.)

With a little help one evening, I rallied and kept at it.  Then the next morning I finished.  The flowers were so similar I had to organize the pieces into left and right pieces and up and down pieces.

With fanfare, I finished.  I started a new puzzle last night.  I'm glutton for punishment. 

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