Friday, August 8, 2014

Arts & Crafts

It has been a good week to finish projects.  Too many unfinished projects drive me crazy.  I'm guilty that I get bored with the project or the project gets too difficult or I don't have all the supplies readily available. (Don't look in the closet room.  It's where I hide all of the unfinished projects.  If I can't see them, then I don't think about them being unfinished.)  I finished another arts & crafts project this morning. 

If you recall, I help my sister paint several rooms in her house.  Rooms belonging to two young ladies who are quickly becoming teenagers! 

I wanted to use their names to create something unique in a font they selected.  Easy.  Inexpensive. And if they get tired of one font, I can create something new a different font or different colors. 

Take 1 sharp knife, several large pieces of cardboard, add a cool font, and the same color paints used in their rooms...

One font is curly.  One font is geometrical. 
All pieces cut out of cardboard.  They aren't perfect, but they are unique.   

The ideas are endless, an additional piece of cardboard around the edge, more dots or hearts, a different shape in front or behind...

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