No amount of tea or coffee is going to help on those days.
Then there days we go like fire.
For me, I have found a direct relationship between sunshine and motivated days. Warm and sun is best. Cold and sun is ok, too.
I am solar powered. The longer days of light are helping.
Friday after work, we headed straight to House #1. We had a plan and we were motivated.
The bathroom.
We already picked up and delivered the drywall to the house. The "green board" is actually purple colored. It is a moisture resistant board used in wet areas. Bathrooms, kitchens and the laundry.
(The paper on the drywall used to be colored green to distinguish between regular and moister resistant. It's purple now.)
It is cut in the same 8' x 4' foot pieces as regular drywall, but because of the moisture resistant qualities, it's heavier. (Ok, arm workout. Let's just hold this board above our heads against this wall for a few minutes. Ok, lift! Monkey arms!)

We did the itchy insulation work the previous night. I told Walt Kowalski I don't mind doing the insulation, but we have to do it at the end of the day so we can go directly home to the shower and washing machine. Do not stop. Do not pass go. Take clothes off in laundry room. Put directly into washing machine.
Mold and Moisture Resistant. Two of my favorite qualities.
You can see our scribbles for stud locations. You think you know where the studs are located, but in this old house, nothing is where it should be.
We finished half of the room Friday night. Hunger was the reason we had to stop for the night.
Walt Kowalski and I were both thinking the same thing "Let's stop on the way home for a fish sandwich. We could call and order sandwiches for take-out or we could eat at the restaurant. No dishes to clean up and no cats to help."
We ate there.
Saturday's weather forecast was for rain. We were up early to beautiful, blue skies and sunshine. I had no desire to work inside. The yard and garden are calling to me. "Come, rake leaves, and dig in the dirt."
The rain finally came around 2pm.
We finished hanging the green board on the bathroom walls.
I taped and mudded the seams while Walt Kowalski prepped the insulation for the ceiling.
We wanted the most insulation possible in the attic, but we also didn't want to inhibit air flow. Solution: these things...
Walt Kowalski stapled them to the roof in the attic. This guaranteed the insulation wouldn't block the air flow.
Insulation before:
Insulation after:
With two of us working together ,the insulation installation (that's tricky to say) goes quick. Don't touch your face. Wear long sleeves. Don't think about itching. Sometimes it's mental. Sometimes it's just itchy.
(This was just Friday night and Saturday.)
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