Thursday, October 29, 2015

Winner Winner

A couple of weeks ago we went to a cash bash banquet to support the local football team. I always joke that if I'm invited or participate, your chances of winning increase. Cash bash, gun bash, lottery bash, football pool.  All of it.

I also joke that every organization needs donators. That's me. 

Along with the chances to win every 15 minutes, they had 35 Chinese auction items, and additional roaming prizes.

I wasn't interested in many of the auction baskets.  Golf items, ceramic decorative bowls, a car washing kit, beaded jewelry.  But I did put my tickets in the movie baskets, gift certificates for local restaurants, wine baskets, sweatshirt basket, golf shirts, and gift certificates for other stores. 

The Chinese auction didn't start until the end of the evening.  At that point, I was look at the dessert table and considering another piece of cake when they started to call the numbers.  It was good white cake, store bought with a thick layer of icing that is so bad for you.

I came back to the table just in time and Walt Kowalski said "Get out your tickets." I was half-heartedly listening to the numbers and looking at my tickets when...

That's my number.
That's my number!
They called my number!

I think I even gave a woo hoo because most of the people on our side of the room turned to look our way!

I won a wine basket.  2 bottles of wine, 2 wine glasses, and a corkscrew.  We have a long weekend coming, I know what we'll be sharing one chilly evening next to the fire. 

Things have improved lately.

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