Friday, November 8, 2013

Let there be...

...light.  Power Tower has been working on the wiring.  In just two afternoons, he was able to get all of the old wiring removed and install new temporary wires in each room.  Right now there is just one ceiling light in each room, but it's more than we had before.  Lights mean we can work in the evenings. 
Power Tower will be back to put in the permanent wiring, additional receptacles and switches after we have some more structural issues resolved.   
With the time change, this is a big step that is really going to help.
Here is some of the old wires.  My job this weekend will be removing all of the sheathing from the wires before it goes to recycling.


I like this photo.  I caught this bulb the moment it was turned on and not warmed up yet.  I also like how these new bulbs glow greenish-blue for a moment after you turn them off.

We got another jack post installed in the basement.  The jack post is straight.  The chimney is not.
That's ok. It won't be standing long.

Walt Kowalski and his sledge hammer made short work of the chimney. 

One chimney down.  One chimney to go.

It takes a LOT less time to remove a chimney when you can let the bricks fall where they may on a cement floor.

You can see the other wooden support post here.  It's still supporting, but not for long.  Why did they paint everything green back then?  Was green paint cheap?

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