Sunday, August 25, 2013


Walt Kowalski's kids are coming over this afternoon.  It's Grilled food day.

Silver Queen

I'm also making a casserole of parmesan squash and sauce for later this week.  We had hot peppers stuffed with Italian sausage last week.  I love meals that I have already cooked.  So easy when we work a double shift. 

What we call a double is not what other people call a double.  Our double is working 7 1/2 hours at the University, making a quick stop home to change into work clothes, and heading over to work at House #1 or House #2 until dark (or later).  That's our double.

Walt Kowalski and I commute together, work in different buildings (but see each other at times during the day), sometimes lunch together, commute home together, and work on the houses together.  For some, this might be too much togetherness.  I'm certain there are times we drive each other crazy.  I call it love. 

The Chain Saw Johnny and the Mayor were over yesterday helping to taking down trees on the front hill.  They got all but one that was too entwined in the wires.  They did a great job. 

But talking to the Mayor after the tree cutting made me realize how fortunate Walt Kowalski and I are. 

The Mayor's significant other was working a 16 hour shift followed by a 12 hour shift today and another 12 hour shift tomorrow.  When she gets home she's exhausted and is exhausted for her entire "day off" the next day.

They see each other only one or two evenings a week. 

Maybe that schedule is what works for them.  Maybe they are happy with their individual alone time.  I don't know.  I shouldn't judge.  All I know is that schedule wouldn't work for us and we are very fortunate our schedules are so similar. 

Either way, the Mayor was a big help with his quad and trailer.  We got the cut trees up to the burn pile much easier with his help and we entertained him for the day.  It was a win-win situation.

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