Walt Kowalski bought me some new plants for my birthday. He has good taste in plants. Not the same as the deer.
We have hostas on two sides of the Cat Ranch, with the majority on the wall behind the house. The wall that needs weeding. Also another story.
There is a big garden on the side yard. I call it a holding garden. It's where things end up when they are removed from one location (on hold) and a new location has yet to be determined. The plants are a mismatched variety. All plants are in the ground, not in pots, so they have a better chance of living. All are healthy. So are the weeds. That's another story.
It's also a garden that has been robbed. I robbed all the hostas from this garden for the rock garden on the other side of the house. Grammy robbed this garden of many iris plants. The groundhog and deer robbed this garden of the broccoli and beans a few years ago.
So right now it's full of an abundance of daylilies and peonies and a few iris flowers. All of these will be relocated in the future. We'd like to move the daylilies to the downhill portion of the driveway and the peonies along the wall. That's for next year.
Walt Kowalski was feeling sick in the morning, but he's such a trooper and turned the soil alongside of the house.
As the rain clouds formed around us, we dug and dug and dug. Then the rain drops came, but I was determined to finish planting. I made it just in time as the skies opened and rain poured down.
We left room for a few other plants in the middle. A couple I want to move from the holding garden and maybe something new.
Looks great!