Friday, January 20, 2017

New Year Catch-up

Previously on the Cat Ranch...

We haven't given up on our project house.  We've just been busy with other things (stones, trees, more stones, more trees, holiday, holiday, another holiday, more trees).  We've squeezed work in when we're able. 

But it is a new year. The motto for this year is:

 "Get Shit Done!"

No project, big or small, is going to get done by sitting at home on the couch talking about it.  Time to prioritize.  If that means a few late nights or the Cat Ranch doesn't get swept for a few days, that's what it means.  (Ok, we might be overtaken by fur.)

Here was the last post about the project house:  Click Here Yes I know this was back in June.  Yikes!

Now time for everything you missed.  

To insulate and hang drywall above the stairs, we had to create a platform. It was great, but the "floor" board had to be removed every time we needed upstairs or downstairs.  We ended up bringing all of our supplies upstairs for the day before installing the "floor"

Meanwhile, back in the kitchen...

As I was working on seams and screws over the stairs, Walt Kowalski was hanging boards in the bedrooms and bathrooms.  

You haven't missed much.  Lots of drywall.  Drywall, drywall, and more drywall. Ohhh, pretty purple drywall in the bathroom. 

I skipped the photos of installing the tub.  Nothing to see there.  No swearing or cursing or mashed toes.

After Walt Kowalski gave me more board to finish in the bedrooms, he moved downstairs to work in the living room. (View from the kitchen into the living.)

View from the front entrance up the stairs and into the laundry room, which will not be seen from the front entrance.  You can see the crown we put up along the ceilings.

The electrician was busy running wires and grounding switches.

Walt Kowalski added the cement board to the laundry room.

 Then he moved to the kitchen to do some insulating and drywall hanging.

All the while, I was upstairs sanding and pasting and sanding and mudding and sanding and priming and sanding and painting. 

So that brings you up to date on our progress.  See you in another six months. 😀

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