What do you do just before going on vacation? Pack clothes and towels and shoes? Yes. Grab your swimming suit? Yes. Make snacks for the ride? Yes. Get 21 tons of rocks? Yes! Only at the Cat Ranch.
We're not just talking about stones, we're talking about ROCKS. Rocks, baby.
Walt Kowalski and I directed traffic as the tri-axle truck delivered the stones. Some cars didn't mind waiting a moment and other were jerks and speed off like they were late for surgery. Those are the same people that pass you and you catch up to them at the red light.
The truck couldn't get off the road any more because there is a dip and he didn't want to get stuck.
Now that is a pile of rocks. As the driver was empting the load, our neighbor stopped to watch. Normally, when we see him, he's half in the bag, but today he was leaving. (Probably to go GET half in the bag.) He stopped his truck and watch the stones pour out of the truck. As the driver was unloading, he said "Yeah! Jerk it man, jerk it. Yeah! You got it. Good job!"
Then came the hard part, which Walt Kowalski did most of, moving the stones one by one. By hand. We wanted the largest ones as a base and fill in to the top. I used the smaller stones to fill in from the bottom up to Walt Kowalski's edge.
The pile slowly decreasing. Every day, move a few more.
My work of making a "river" up to meet Walt Kowalski's.
I like how the rocks follow the contour of the land. We want to add some more so the "river" isn't as small.
We've had so many people stop and tell us how nice it looks. Some stopped right in the middle of the road. Several times, people looked twice and almost sideswiped the guardrail! One guy even pulled up in the driveway, got out of his car, and walked over to talk to Walt Kowalski. Snuck up on him and startled him. This guy had a whole list of questions. "Where did you get the rocks? How much did the cost? How many tons? Are you a professional? Are you the homeowner? Can I get this for my yard? Can you help me with my yard?"
Wow! This really changes the look of your space. I love it. I need to stop over and see it in person. When did you put in a black fence?